2020 Winner
Graeme Wilson named as Sydney Strapper of the Year 2019-2020
Graeme is an influential part of the Lees racing operation. His horse handling skills are of high level. His experience and ability to work well under pressure is heavily utilised in the stable. His services include three to four Country / Provincial / Metropolitan race meetings a week, whereby he drives the raceday truck and does strapping duties on the day. He is a regular at Metropolitan Saturdays with the ability to handle even the most difficult of horses. He works long hours with 6 trackwork days a week and, when not required at races, Graeme assists with daily paddock runs, handling yearlings, assisting with barrier trials and even walking horses and boxes.
Graeme’s skills are an asset to Lees Racing and his pleasant character is well known in the racing industry. He is not often found without sporting the Less Racing hat and shirt, and performs his tasks with great pride.
(The Sydney Strapper of the Year Award is sponsored by Racing NSW and coordinated by Australian Racing Christian Chaplaincy. It is presented at the NSW Racehorse Owners Association "Night of Champions". The winner is selected by Racing NSW judges from a group of very worthy finalists.)
(Cover image courtesy of Bradley Photos)