Our Background
The Australian Racing Christian Chaplaincy Inc. (ARCC) was initiated in 1996 by Anglican minister The Rev Paul Bayliss. ARCC is now a non-denominational not-for profit organisation registered with the ACNC delivering chaplaincy services at racetracks in Sydney and different parts of Australia.
In accordance with our Christian faith, the objects of ARCC are to serve the needs and support well-being of people working in Australia’s racing industry by identifying and relieving the short and long-term physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental needs of this community. Racing has a high incidence of serious injury and even death on the workplace. It is also high-pressure industry which can result in physical, mental and emotional strain for those involved. Needs may include financial distress, abuse, relationship breakdown, sickness, disability, grief, the misfortune of trackside accidents, court issues and even suicide.
Racetrack chaplains offer a holistic and non-judgmental program of services to people in racing, especially those working in the stable area. Chaplains work closely with racing clubs, management and individuals to assist with acute and long-term needs of individuals. ARCC assists people solely on the basis of need, irrespective of religious or political beliefs and/or affiliations.
ARCC is growing its work nationally and is seeking to establish networks in all racing codes – thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing. The organisation is also networked with Race Track Chaplaincy of America. ARCC is served by a voluntary Committee, most members of whom have current or prior links to horse racing.